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Item No:BC716074
Description: These piggy banks are perfect for holding loose change. These are an attractive choice for you to print your promotional message or company logo. The fun promotional gift is ideal for your groups or financial institutions. 5 3/4" W x 4 1/8" H x 4" D
Item No:BM116073
Description: Price includes: MZ-770 (Std. size - 3.62" x 2.25" x 2.12"), Stock money box with custom emblem (Std. size - 1.25" x 0.5"). Additional info: For custom money boxes please contact factory. 2 1/4" W x 3.62" H x 2.12" L
Colors: Antique Brass, Antique ....
Item No:BP5616072
Description: Pig, Saving, Coin Slot, Money, Dollar, Children, Economy, Piggy, Coin Slit, Plastic. 4 1/2" L x 2 1/2" W x 1 3/4" H
Colors: Red, Blue, Yellow
Application: Animal, Banking, Children, Money
Item No:BO5316071
Description: Finally, a piggy bank designed for saving and splurging. Top half holds long term, hard-to-get-at savings; bottom half holds easy-access change for the vending machine or parking meter. 4.4" W x 5" H x 3" D
Colors: Translucent Blue, Translucent Gr....
Item No:BC5016070
Description: Electronic counter in the lid counts the value of the coins slipped through the cap. Buttons allow resetting the total amount saved, as well as subtracting $1. $0.25. $0.10. $0.05. and $0.01 for withdrawals. Instructions and 2 AAA batteries included. Includes 1-piece gift box. 3....
Item No:BE4816069
Description: Use this money in an emergency. Plastic bank with clear plastic window for viewing your savings. Removable rubber stopper for removing money. Includes 1 piece gift box. 3.5" W x 3.68" H x 2.25" D
Colors: Red
Item No:BG4516068
Description: Glazed ceramic money bank with rubber stopper. 5" Diameter x 6.875" H x 2.375" D
Colors: Red
Application: Executive, Travel
Item No:BT4016067
Description: Ceramic piggy bank. 5 1/2" W x 3 3/4" H x 3 3/4" D
Colors: White
Application: Animal, Banking, Money, Security
Item No:BF3516066
Description: Coin bank with fully functioning gas gauge measuring your savings. As you deposit coins the gauge moves to the "FULL" position. Wrapped in a printed plastic sleeve. 4 3/4" W x 4 7/8" H x 3 1/2" D
Colors: Black
Item No:BF2916065
Description: Designed at the Fred Studio, this generously-sized durable ceramic piggy bank is diagramed with life's necessities instead of cuts of meat. One color logo only. 8" W x 4.5" H x 4" D
Colors: White
Application: Amus....
Item No:BT2416064
Description: Attractive quartz clock housed in mahogany wooden tower case accented in brushed silver details as cleaver coin bank.
Colors: Silver/White/Rosewood Brown/Clear
Application: Award, Banking, Business, Household, Mone....
Item No:BS1916062
Description: Sport themed plastic piggy bank. Unique design. Basketball, tennis, baseball, soccer, and golf available. Closeout item!!!
Colors: Assorted
Application: Banking, Money