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Item No:P746218812
Description: 7/8", Volleyball General, Lapel, Stock, Kromafusion, Round, Military Clutch, Adornment, Attach To Clothing, Worn On Clothing, Ornamental, Decoration. 7/8" L
Colors: Gold, White Insert
Application: Award, Sport, Vo....
Item No:P79218813
Description: 7/8", Volleyball Player, Female, Lapel, Stock, Kromafusion, Round, Military Clutch, Adornment, Attach To Clothing, Worn On Clothing, Ornamental, Decoration. 7/8" L
Colors: Gold, White Insert
Application: Award, Sp....
Item No:P756218814
Description: 7/8", Volleyball, Male, Lapel, Stock, Kromafusion, Round, Military Clutch, Adornment, Attach To Clothing, Worn On Clothing, Ornamental, Decoration. 7/8" L
Colors: Gold, White Insert
Application: Award, Sport, Voll....
Item No:P77218815
Description: 7/8", Weightlifting, Lapel, Stock, Kromafusion, Round, Military Clutch, Adornment, Attach To Clothing, Worn On Clothing, Ornamental, Decoration. 7/8" L
Colors: Gold, White Insert
Application: Award, Sport ....
Item No:P751218816
Description: 7/8", Wrestling, Lapel, Stock, Kromafusion, Round, Military Clutch, Adornment, Attach To Clothing, Worn On Clothing, Ornamental, Decoration. 7/8" L
Colors: Gold, White Insert
Application: Award, Sport, Wrestling ....
Item No:P746218817
Description: 7/8", Wrestling, Lapel, Stock, Kromafusion, Round, Military Clutch, Adornment, Attach To Clothing, Worn On Clothing, Ornamental, Decoration. 7/8" L
Colors: Gold, White Insert
Application: Award, Sport, Wrestling ....
Item No:P759218818
Description: Kromafusion, Round, 7/8", Lapel, Recognition, Employee Of The Year, President, Leadership, Service Award, Circle, Outstanding Manager, We Care, Attitude, Outstanding Service. 7/8" L
Colors: Gold Accent, Black
Item No:PK23218819
Description: 5/8", Kromafusion, Round, Lapel, Year, Service Award, 1 Year, 5 Year, 7 Year, 10 Year, 15 Year, 20 Year, 25 Year, 30 Year, 50 Year. 5/8" L
Colors: Gold
Application: Award, Business, Office
Item No:PK24218820
Description: 5/8", Kromafusion, Round, Stock, Cloisonne, Year, Service, Lapel, Military Clutch, 1 Year, 5 Year, 7 Year, 10 Year, 15 Year, 20 Year, 25 Year, 30 Year, 50 Year. 5/8" L
Colors: Gold
Application: Award, Business, Of....
Item No:PA53218479
Description: All pins feature clutch back attachment for secure mounting.
Colors: Gold
Application: Award, Baseball, Sport
Item No:PC6218821
Description: Let our artisans design a beautiful handcrafted medallion. Finish it in antique gold, antique silver or antique bronze. There is no die charge for casting your logo, insignia or name into solid metal! The time is here - the price is right GO FOR IT! You can only win win win with ....
Item No:PC30218822
Description: Custom, Kromafusion, Stock Brass Finding, 5/8", Lapel, Military Clutch, Fastener, Adornment, Ornamental, Attach To Garment, Worn On Clothing, Secure To Clothing. 5/8" L
Colors: Brass Gold
Application: Award, Club,....