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Award products >> Frames-Certificate
Item No:FG36122105
Description: Cornell, Document Holder, Leatherette, Rectangle, Vertical, Horizontal, Wall, Hanging. 8 1/2" W x 11" H
Colors: Green
Application: Award
Item No:FD37122231
Description: Basically this is the same quality deluxe certificate cover as on the previous page except for the linings. The turned edge moire lining is replaced with a 15 pt. board or flush cut moire liner, everything else is the same. The front inside cover will be lined with the same cover....
Item No:FF47121840
Description: Framed certificate award, simulated walnut panel, plexiglass with rosette corners. 13" W x 10 1/2" H
Colors: Walnut Brown
Application: Award
Item No:FM41121864
Description: These padded covers with silky moire inner lining create a presentation that demonstrates your appreciation and recognizes accomplishment. Deep grain finish with a textured look and durable nature. 8" W x 10" L
Colors: Black, Royal Blue, Navy Blue....
Item No:FS59122265
Description: There is no better way to present a photo or certificate in such an economic fashion. Again, all frames are gold bordered and available in a vertical or horizontal format. All are designed with heavy padded cover and case bound turned edge construction to exhibit its distinguishe....
Item No:FT35122146
Description: Finest affordable frames available. Lustrous hand-finishing enhances solid wood molding. Individually boxed in customized dust free packaging. Eyelet and easel included on backing. 11" W x 14" L
Colors: Walnut Brown
Item No:FD45122227
Description: To recognize achievement, a personalized certificate presented in a folder is the traditional standard. The deluxe certificate cover is made with high quality book binding craftsmanship for any size certificate. With heavy padded or flat board covers, turned edge silk moire linin....
Item No:FW39122217
Description: These plaques are designed to be hung on a modular cubicle wall. Both Velcro and keyhole backings allow for instant press-on attachment. Ideal for signs, announcements, pictures, and certificates. Each plaque packaged in an individual foam pouch. 10 1/2"x13" holds a 8 1/2"x11" do....
Item No:FN1122302
Description: 1.5 inch nightlight and digital photo frame, manual or automatic play, time and calender functions. Resolution: 128*128. Material: plastic. Custom imprint. 1.5" L
Colors: White, Black Assorted
Application: Decorat....
Item No:FC37122277
Description: Celebrate your employees success in grand tradition with a framed certificate of their achievement. Many different looks, from traditional to contemporary, to fit your company's style. 8" W x 10" L
Colors: Black
Item No:FG34121896
Description: Accommodates 11"x8-1/2" sheets. 13" L x 10 1/2" W
Colors: Gloss Black
Application: Award
Item No:FC27122080
Description: Rectangle, Holder, Plaque, Walnut Finish, Wood, 8 1/2"X11" Form, Plexiglass Cover, Recessed Area. 10 1/2" W x 13" L
Colors: Walnut Brown
Application: Award